Basic information

Basic and official information about BuyITC d.o.o.


  +386 2 461 0 461
Full company name: BuyITC inovativne internet rešitve d.o.o.
Abbreviated company name: BuyITC d.o.o.
Headquarters: Prvomajska ulica 30
2000 Maribor
Business executives: Christian Ribič, managing partner
Aleš Zebec, managing partner/IT
Number of employees: 10
Date of foundation: 10.07.2000
Registration No.: 1550004
Registered activity: 62.010 Computer programming
Tax number: 23513047
Share capital: 8.763,00 EUR
IBAN: SI56 3400 0102 0491 095 - Banka Sparkasse d.d.

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